Jam on it…

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “jam on it” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “relations” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.

De Con Strut…

RohiniUncategorized, Video

De Con Strut Assemblage and Performance by Rohini Ralby www.rohiniralby.com Music by Johannes Wagner feat. Clémence Legrand Lyrics by Rohini Ralby Video production by Aaron Ralby


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “unlikeness” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “enough” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “waitless” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “revolution” and shares several minutes of meditation and silent reflection.