
RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

Clouds                 pass            as               always
                  under                   blue            sky
                           white                   clouds
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Mind and Meditation

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini draws on one of her poems and Swami Vishnu Tirtha’s Devatma Shakti to discuss the nature of the mind, clarifying how it is not who we truly are but merely a vehicle for the Self. She then answers questions about the right attitude toward shakti and how to approach meditation as a way of deepening one’s spiritual practice.


RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

still             vibrations
                          of      all
be                   with           vibration
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RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

wait            no               more           then
                        wait                        some
     called                           wait
moved              wait                          stand Read More…