Not knowing how to feel, within oneself or for others |
Feeling with nonattachment what is within oneself and others |
Living in a positive world / affirming / no negative feelings |
Emotional splattering |
physically separated but
connectedinwardly wemeetinthe Heart
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Inability to discern underlying foundation / only doing behavior modification….
Inability to discern underlying foundation / only doing behavior modification |
Responding respectfully to a situation by listening deeply and learning at that level / acting appropriately on the physical plane |
Getting by on the surface, which frees us from feeling anything |
Experiencing what’s under the surface, which isn’t always pleasant |
Clouds pass as always
under blue sky
white clouds
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Critiquing |
Affirming unconditionally |
Captious |
Supportive / encouraging |
Mind and Meditation
Rohini draws on one of her poems and Swami Vishnu Tirtha’s Devatma Shakti to discuss the nature of the mind, clarifying how it is not who we truly are but merely a vehicle for the Self. She then answers questions about the right attitude toward shakti and how to approach meditation as a way of deepening one’s spiritual practice.
still vibrations
of all
be with vibration
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Expert |
Ignorant |
Dismissive |
Approachable |
wait no more then
wait some
called wait
moved wait stand Read More…
Authority |
Ignorant |
Authoritarian / condescending |
Amiable / equal |