salient to threat
real not
physical mettle
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Uncategorized”
I won’t be dominated (-) |
Willing to work with you |
Protecting self and agency |
Lost in another person’s world |
Rohini reads her poem “road block” and then leads a few minutes of meditation and silent reflection.
I won’t be dominated (+) |
Pathetic / neglected / unable to operate independently |
Domineering / petty tyrant |
No responsibility |
Rohini leads a short meditation for all participants to work toward inner stillness.
On the solar birthday of her Guru, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa, Rohini reads a poem she wrote for him. She follows the poem with a short time for meditation.
Glib humor / shameless |
Appropriately serious and respectful |
Light touch |
Heavy-handed / downer |