use your
to acknowledge
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Uncategorized”
Everyone has goodness in them |
People are wholly and unredeemably bad |
Everyone can fool you |
Never surprised |
Rohini reads her poem “reception” and leads a brief period of meditation and silent reflection.
Everyone has badness in them |
Everyone is redeemable |
Everyone has choice |
No one is responsible |
Rohini reads her poem “migration” and leads a few minutes of meditation and reflection.
Commiserate and seek allies |
Indifferent / callous to others’ suffering / do not understand |
Drowning with others |
Let others have their own experience |
Rohini reads her poem “swearword” and leads a short period of meditation.
Rohini reads her poem “breaking threw” and leads several minutes of silent meditation and reflection.