Last laugh…

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads aloud her poem “last laugh” and then leads a short period of silent meditation and reflection.

which silence…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

                    loud         in


    not                              make


nothingness                          no   one

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Which silence…

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “which silence” and then leads a short period of silent meditation and reflection.

and again…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

stink                                                bugs
                       us       all

God                                     creates
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Maintain vacuity

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Maintain vacuity

Embrace and cultivate substance / seek the truth / be clear and precise

Never have to face hard truths / never have to confront reality

Beleaguered by reality

And again…

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “and again” before leading a brief period of meditation and reflection.


RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

we                            swim                               in

          modifications                                               vrittis
                                                of       chitta

               some             we                             know

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RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini reads her poem “bathers” and leads a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.