Abused by life and abandoned by God |
Delighting in God’s play |
Answerable to no one |
Responsible to your part in the play |
Rohini reads her poem “imperative” and leads a short period of meditation and silent reflection.
Angry that God didn’t fix your life/save you
Angry that God didn’t fix your life/save you |
Content with the fact that life is perfect the way it is |
Righteously navigate the world |
Fatalistic and passive |
Rohini reads her poem “vak” and then leads a few minutes of quiet reflection and meditation.
Gaming life as if you have the key
Gaming life as if you have the key |
Being receptive to what is and to life as your curriculum |
Feel in control / think you are winning / ego remains intact |
Never have all the answers / always going through ego death |
In unison…
Rohini reads her poem “in unison” and leads a few minutes of silent reflection and meditation.
Everyone out to get you
Everyone out to get you |
Others want what is best for you |
Opportunity to see how strong you are and demonstrate it |
Others want to control you |