Insecure |
Comfortable in your own skin / confident / self assured |
Sensitive / self-aware / unappreciated / unnoticed |
Arrogant / smug / condescending / self satisfied |
Rules of the game…
Rohini reads her poem “rules of the game” and leads a short period of silent reflection and meditation.
Be prepared
Be prepared |
Procrastinate |
Unexciting |
Heroic and exciting |
On the 114th birthday of Swami Muktananda
Rohini reads the poem she wrote in honor of Baba’s 114th birthday, then leads a few minutes of meditation and silent reflection.
Childish |
Childlike curious full of wonder innocent nonattachment egoless |
Get to act out any way you want |
Have to obey the rules |
Play on letters…
Rohini reads her poem “play on letters” and leads several minutes of silent reflection and meditation.
not an alchemist
can’t change
monsters into men
demons into devoted
disciples of the
Handling the situation
Handling the situation |
Not in control / not in charge |
Using cruelty, lying, and any other “tool” or “strategy |
Kind and being honest |