St. Symeon’s discussion….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

St. Symeon’s discussion of contemplative prayer in the Philokalia might serve as a good reference point for the practice I teach. He establishes three levels of attention and prayer. The first level relates to the five senses, with God as Other; the practice makes use of outward props such as icons, statues and formal ritual.  The second level relates to the mind, …


RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

I like seeing myself as a beginner. I have always been a beginner. This way I can always learn. If I ‘know’, then there is nothing more to learn. For all of us in relative reality, thinking we ‘know’ is dangerous. If we lived in Absolute Reality, then I could say ‘fine I know’. But then, if I were in …

The beginning……


Here I/we are at a new beginning. A new website created and built by Aaron Ralby. I cannot thank him enough for his hard work and perseverance. This site will allow for dialogue in a way the old one did not. So do speak up. Questions on sadhana are always welcome and of course comments and questions regarding practice points. …