Attachment to conflict will bring aggression; attachment to peace will bring apathy.
Self-identified good people are the worst.
If you have no core….
If you have no core, then you “live in the moment” in a destructive way. You have no memory. You believe that everything you do, feel, or say at any moment is equally valid and cancels out all contradictions. You rewrite the narrative at will. And you do injury, to yourself and others.
No one’s small self….
No one’s small self is ever the Guru. So why obey it?
What would happen….
What would happen if God decided He wanted to no longer be responsible? What would happen if God decided He wanted to be selfish instead of Selfish? Who would He be? He would be us.
Don’t guilt trip….
Don’t guilt trip yourself; that just feeds the small self. The best punishment for the small self is practice.
You were focused….
You were focused on me when you were supposed to be focused on God and Guru. The joke’s on you.
Emotions are enlivened by you.
When did things….
When did things go wrong? When they were going right.
Positive thinking….
Positive thinking is not the opposite to perverse thinking. Reflection is the opposite to both perverse and positive thinking.