If we receive the Grace….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

If we receive the Grace in the moment and then intellectualize it, we will lose it; if we receive the Grace in the moment and fail to study, we will also lose it. Grace is a spark or ember that has to be tended to become a lasting fire within us.  

When a career victim temporarily….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

When a career victim temporarily gives up her narrative, if things go well she feels deprived and belittled because it wasn’t “her” that people affirmed or liked. So she scrambles to get back to her narrative, because she wants her idea of herself to be affirmed. Anything else is, to her, victimization.

People who refuse….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

People who refuse to accept their own agency shy away from responsibility for their spiritual growth and just like to be dragged up the path, transformed as if by magic.