
RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

Baba asks me śakti that remains inside śakti that goes out the same? i say no he looks at me i continue the inside circles the heart the outside drives out hands feet head my body begins to shake full scream rigid levitates i go light and energy the Witness is awake i awaken

Dim Wit….

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

i am tired of the dim light my sin is boredom it connects us yet it is a lie we are so far apart as we sit together i cry judge judged you laugh i laugh blinded by truth my glasses fail we miss each other and yet we sit side by side i choose no more one small place …

Baba’s Full Moon Dream….

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

in an outdoor amphitheater someone asks what about sadhana? I ask have you experienced been in the Bliss light of God for two weeks at a time? I fall into that experience brilliant pure white light filled with Bliss nothing else I come back return to here the person answers no I speak spiritual practice is not about knowing the …