Foursquare Politics….

RohiniFourchotomy, Reflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Government leaders should be working for the betterment of their constituents, and of the entire country. However, if leaders really just want to be the center of attention, even though we elected them they will not be working for our good; we are paying them, but they will be working for themselves. All that interests leaders like this is their …

Real Leadership….

RohiniFourchotomy, Practicing, Reflections, Uncategorized

A leader can be defined as someone who one or more people authorize to guide toward a particular goal. In this situation we may intellectually believe we share a common goal, and we even speak of this common goal; however, not until we start the process of leading and following do we actually see if we do have a common …

Using the Foursquare Game to Get to Love….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Fourchotomy, Practicing, Reflections, Uncategorized

These last few weeks in class we have been working on a new foursquare that has been a little different. This is the vibration of what we have called love. When we were very little and saw our caregivers, we “knew” they loved each other and us. We took the vibration they had to be love; that is what we …