Invite ego death + |
Defend the ego at all costs |
Have to hurt for a while |
Keep everything the same |
Cause ego death +
Cause ego death + |
Coddle egos |
Create intense discomfort |
No unpleasantness |
Free the soul to truly Love
Free the soul to truly Love |
Imprison the soul |
Hard and difficult and hurts |
Remains pleasurable never Loves |
Arrogant fighter
Arrogant fighter |
Taking the highroad |
Hold the line / last line of defense |
Allow abuse to continue |
Ambient abuse
Ambient abuse |
Ambient love |
Ego in charge / don’t have to surrender |
Love directs your life / surrendered |
Happy |
Miserable |
Always the center of attention |
No one is watching |
Protecting self by not feeling
Protecting self by not feeling |
Exposing myself to pain and confrontation, left unprotected |
Cutting myself off from life and God |
Accepting that life isn’t always easy and comfortable |
Focus on others’ mistakes / quick to criticize
Focus on others’ mistakes / quick to criticize |
Accept where others are / question your judgments of others |
Encourage others to learn and grow |
Not helpful at all / uncaring / foster mediocrity |
Able to offer critique
Able to offer critique |
Nothing helpful to say |
Sure / overestimating yourself |
Modest reserve |
Micromanage |
Give space |
You know what’s expected |
Total chaos |