Rohini reads her poem “empty calories” and shares her ink painting.
table for two…
not a lone
Can’t see options / Can’t see possibilities…
Can’t see options / Can’t see possibilities |
Open to all possibilities / willing to explore options |
Easy only one option |
Have to discern / might make a mistake |
Table for two…
Rohini reads her poem “table for two” and shares her ink painting.
Compassionate |
Heartless / hard-hearted |
Have to do something (to relieve suffering) |
Don’t have to act |
Crash the party…
Rohini reads her poem “crash the party” and shares her ink painting.
Rohini reads her poem “filmmaking” and shares her ink painting.
Empathy |
Indifference, numb |
Have to feel |
Don’t have to feel negative emotions |