The practice is hidden in plain sight. As the veils drop, we recognize that it has always been there.
It is not….
It is not that Chuckie (small self) does not matter. He IS matter.
Who says we need….
Who says we need to be stressed to have a holiday? Stress is pressure plus excitement or anxiety. So remove the pressure by backing off and disentangling from what we are attached to, still the vibration that is left and let the joy arise.
“The only thing that consoles….
“The only thing that consoles us for our miseries is diversion, and yet it is the greatest of our miseries.” –Blaise Pascal
If we are responsible for All, then….
If we are responsible for All, then we are responsible for All. For example, if I like the experience of disappointment, (and I know this because I experience disappointment a good deal of the time) then I have to have people in my world that are “disappointing me”. If no one is around, I can always disappoint myself!As we practice, …
We cannot master something we ….
We cannot master something we have not studied. Seems obvious–however, there are people who believe they are experts when in fact they are just beginners. Do not get me wrong: I love being a beginner and I love beginners. I am speaking about beginners who believe they are knowledgeable. We need to know where we are and move from there. …
For Americans, today is Thanksgiving….
For Americans, today is Thanksgiving. What are we as Americans to be thankful for? We can be thankful that we can choose to practice looking into our Hearts and out at the World simultaneously. We can be thankful that we choose to see God immanent and transcendent. We can be thankful that we can practice seeing God in each other. …
Talking to “God” keeps us….
Talking to “God” keeps us from truly being with God. Surrender.
Passive is not neutral….
Passive is not neutral. Have you ever been with someone who is passive? Did you feel neutral, still and peaceful around them? Or were you the counter point, feeling agitated and annoyed? Passive IS NOT neutral.
The Philokalia fills us with the reminder….
The Philokalia fills us with the reminder that century after century the practice has been shared. And century after century few listen. That does not mean it is not true or valid. If we all practiced there would be no Hell, the game would be over. Then what would we do? Let us find out. As the desert fathers practiced: …