Fact: If you want your demons to go away, you have to still them. Do not fight them. That only feeds the demons. Then they have a really good time and you do not. Still the demons and they will go away.
Shut up….
Shut up. Shut everything up in your head. All quiet. Shut it all up. Now redirect your attention down and in, to the Heart. Now rest there. Thank you.
Until we become human….
Until we become human, we don’t live our lives–we live our foursquares.
What we are….
What we are controlled by, we use to control others.
Yes, it hurts….
Yes, it hurts. Yes, this is hard work. Yes, this brings true independence. Do not be afraid of practice and where we are going. Be afraid of not practicing and therefore where we remain. Keep practicing. Love is there when we still it all.
As we let go….
As we let go there will be fear, sadness, and a holding on. If we persevere and continue to let go of our vibrations Love and joy will arise. Keep going, the Love is there. Do not let the fear, sadness and holding on keep us from experiencing the Truth.
We can’t dissolve….
We can’t dissolve a foursquare if we are still in it.
Melanie says….
Melanie says that the small self is on a stationary bike, telling us we are moving, going somewhere. We are going nowhere. We are just pedaling.
The small self is….
The small self is a soup of vibrations. It has no real existence, but we keep those vibrations going. We can’t still those vibrations until we feel them. And most of the time we don’t feel them. We are not conscious of them; we just think we’re being who we are. “I am just being myself.” In order to dissolve …
The small self is both….
The small self is both a perceiver and an object at different times. The true Self is only a perceiver, never an object.