Self esteem is Chuckie’s opinion of himself.
Live your life….
Live your life, not your idea of your life.
We are all equal….
We are all equal from the standpoint of the true Self. Let us practice this. We have differences from the standpoint of manifestation. Let us practice this. Do not confuse the two. When we do practice correctly we are all members of the Lords’ Club and we willingly play our different parts.
Don’t let the small self….
Don’t let the small self choose Hell for you.
Spiritual Practice is not….
Spiritual Practice is not a “lifestyle.” Spiritual Practice is internal. Live your life and practice.
Lose your small self…
Lose your small self in pure Consciousness. Jump.
If we want to listen….
If we want to listen to ourselves and perceive our authentic answers, we have to be still. We have to be still and at least moving toward the Heart. Otherwise we are just in our Foursquare.
Beware of worship….
Beware of worship of the senses. They will end your life in complete misery.
While you are reading this…
While you are reading this I hope you are practicing. You are, aren’t you? Good. Continue.
You don’t have to be….
You don’t have to be alone to practice. Don’t go live in a cave. Practice with people around you.