The knower (we) appears to mistake the faculty of knowing for being.
Familiar and safe are not….
Familiar and safe are not the same thing. What feels familiar is often unsafe–we’re just accustomed to it.
Going in is not….
Going in is not going away.
In order to have joy….
In order to have joy, let go of the ups and downs. Joy is in the Heart. The ups and downs are in the head.
All our delusions….
All our delusions are about taking care of ourselves. But what self are we taking care of?
Happy New Year!….
Happy New Year! The Supreme Spirit is in everything. To reject things is to reject God. Not being worldly does not mean rejecting the world. It means living in the world without attachment, knowing that the manifested universe is transitory, though from the standpoint of the Absolute it is God.
If you are having difficulty….
If you are having difficulty getting into the Heart, then surrender to your head and say, “You win. What do you have to tell me?”. With nothing to fight, it will have nothing to say.
People who hide cannot receive….
People who hide cannot receive. Open up and receive the joy and love of the holiday.
Our first “caregivers”….
Our first “caregivers” tend to enhance our life lessons, not teach us how to overcome our life lessons.
Through dispassion comes joy….
Through dispassion comes joy. Are you willing to have joy?