If we practice….

RohiniPractice Points

If we practice to get into the Heart and then rest there, all our problems will be resolved within us. The outer manifestation will do whatever it is going to do. Inwardly, we will know how to proceed, and will act appropriately.


RohiniPractice Points

Five-Fold-Action——Learn it. God emanates, we project. God maintains and relishes, we obsess. God withdraws and dissolves, we dissociate and destroy. God conceals His true nature from Himself, we delude ourselves. God reveals Himself to Himself, we think we know who we are, we have insight.

Challenges on the outside….

RohiniPractice Points

Challenges on the outside, such as massive snowstorms, test our internal mettle. These challenges show us where we are internally–or how internal we are. Yoga Sutras 2:18–Objective reality exists for the purpose of experience and liberation.

Many believe….

RohiniPractice Points

Many believe having everything going “our” way is spiritual. No. Being non-attached to pain and pleasure is where we want to be. As we practice, we may find that we handle the issues in our life appropriately and discover them receding from our every day. To then think we are “done” is an error. We are now free to handle …

“I need a break”….

RohiniPractice Points

“I need a break”.  What does that mean, a break from what? Does the small self want a break from the discipline, from the practice, from the prison? Does the small self want to be out playing? What we really need is to break from the small self. Turn in. Go deep within the Heart, beyond the vehicles that obscure …

Our true nature….

RohiniPractice Points

Our true nature is Love. We twist it so it comes out distorted and shrunken. When we work back to our true nature, our love becomes pure and limitless.