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Book Signing a Great Success….
The Book Signing was a wonderful event. The feeling was lovely. There were so many people. Thank you to everyone that contributed especially Kathy and Clara. The cake was amazing to look at. The flowers were exquisite. Most important all the people shared and gave of themselves. Thank you All.
Rohini answers Questions about Spiritual Practice
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Without reflection….
Without reflection, we are just senses with feet.
Deep |
Trivial |
Pretentious |
Human |
Risk is no risk when you are an expert. How many times have we watched someone with great skill and believe that they are doing the impossible, when in fact they themselves feel it is no big deal? Yet when we are ignorant and act without skill, we are the ones risking. It is really dangerous, and it is out …
Even when we….
Even when we use words like “infinite” to describe God, we are attempting to limit God.
Correct |
Right |
Appropriate |
Tactless |
Thank you….
Whatever God does He does for good. So say thank you. Yes, say thank you. When things go “wrong”, say thank you. When things go “right”, say thank you. We are actors in a play. Stop complaining about the scene in which you are playing. First, the part was designed specifically for you; second, the lines are up to you. …
There’s so much talk about Grace. Born again, Pentecost, Yoga, New Age, from every corner we hear this word used. What is Grace? For me, Grace is knowing who I really am. Knowing through Being is what Grace gives us. Many people believe that Grace is having the bells and whistles; the lights, sounds, feelings, smells, and even tastes that …