I Can’t Accept That….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Acceptance is a word that is used quite a bit in spiritual venues. The problem is that we are to only accept, affirm, receive, welcome, take in the “loving”, the good. The loving and good are not defined universally; though we believe we are all in agreement, these words are defined differently by each of us. To proceed down the …

Using the Foursquare Game to Get to Love….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Fourchotomy, Practicing, Reflections, Uncategorized

These last few weeks in class we have been working on a new foursquare that has been a little different. This is the vibration of what we have called love. When we were very little and saw our caregivers, we “knew” they loved each other and us. We took the vibration they had to be love; that is what we …

Leaving the Fall….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Maps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Every spiritual tradition values what is known in Sanskrit as sahaj samādhi, or walking bliss: being in the Heart and being with the world simultaneously. The problem is that we make this state of being into a lovely ideal or a distant place that we could never attain. In fact, walking bliss is available to each of us. The real …