Lamenting Shining Deeply understanding Insensitive
Instead of griping….
Instead of griping, change.
Resources. What are they? Resources are people and materials that aid us in our lives. These resources can be within us or outside us. We should know what they are and use them wisely. Our resources should be looked on as gifts. Do not waste or disrespect your resources, because if you do they may run dry, and you are …
Tyrant |
Resistor |
Challenging |
Hostile |
We do not need….
We do not need to stay with situations or people that are unhealthy. Walk away quietly and blissfully. If we believe we need to get along with everyone, we are in trouble.
Lighten Up….
Rohini shares resources in spiritual practice that help us lighten up. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Whom Do You Serve?….
This question is a difficult one because we tend not to be completely forthright with our answer. God, we will say. And yet the truth is we are idolizing our egos, our sense of self. We are in fact committed to serving the ego in everything we do and are not aware of this. If it serves my ego to …
Useless |
Helpful |
Off the hook |
Meddle |
When we accept life….
When we accept life as it is, we are alive; we connect, and are a part of everyone and everything. When we avoid life and pretend that life really is our assumptions, our projections, we remain distant and are apart from everyone and everything.
You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are….
You are perfect just the way you are. So, be where you are and accept it. That is the practice. Boring in toward the Heart does not mean you will feel good. It means you are heading in the right direction toward Home, where all vibration is stilled, and Love is. In order to get there, we have to stop …