Only through our stillness can God’s vitality fully shine through.
Deviant Pure Adventurous Puritanical
What We Do Here….
Spiritual practice is not nice, sweet, or soft. Spiritual practice is not easy. Spiritual practice will turn your world upside down for the better. Spiritual practice requires rigor, vigilance and non-attachment. Spiritual practice requires humor. Spiritual practice demands surrender and redirection to what is Real. This steep path requires courage. There are three levels of spiritual practice. Each level is …
You don’t have to….
You don’t have to leave the Heart to think. Thinking will only be clear if you rest in the Heart and enliven the mechanism of thinking.
Cold Warm Reserved Emotional
Being a Free Actor….
When people come to my classes or see me privately, we usually use situations or people in their lives to show how to apply the practice in the world. Though this is truly an internal practice, it has to be used and applied to inform all of our life. So after a class people leave the laboratory and hopefully implement …
Under the guise….
Under the guise of looking for unity, we tend to go to the most superficial. Real unity is found only by turning in to the deepest core of our soul.
Special Ordinary Lonely Fits in
L&Q(2-22-14) Redirecting the Will….
Rohini explain explains the core spiritual practice of redirecting the will into the Heart, and leads students in doing that. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
The Pursuit of Friction….
Friction is the force that resists an object’s movement across a surface. In practical terms, it slows down an object’s movement. Though it sounds like something we don’t want, without friction we don’t have traction; without friction we cannot move forward. And if we avoid friction in one place, we will unwittingly be moving into it somewhere else. If we …