Cruel/mean/harsh/no love Kind/compassionate/soft/love Strict/disciplining/clear/caring Fawning/condescending/weak/enabling
Where We’re Going
Rohini discusses the inward path. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Four Stages of Samadhi
Rohini takes us through the different stages of samadhi and encourages us to experience them with her. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Going Inward
In this brief video Rohini will lead you inward. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Who Is God?
Rohini demonstrates levels of understanding God. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Mirror, Mirror….
When my two sons were born, I felt that one of the most important jobs I had was to be a mirror for them. As I looked into their eyes, I would also be looking into my Heart. There was a strong feeling of connecting with them, and this was not about me; this was about us in the greater …
If we are in the Heart….
If we are in the Heart, we are no longer the center of attention; everything is the center of attention. Which is to say God is the center of attention.
Center of attention….
Center of attention Nonentity Vilified /Disgraced publicly …
The Three-dimensional Foursquare….
We have been working with the foursquare tool for many years now. It evolved from dichotomies to foursquares a decade ago. Now it is evolving further to aid in our uncovering and dismantling of our system. In order to build a foursquare, we must start by depersonalizing and objectifying the issue. This is done by using qualities we all can …
We are definitely not….
We are definitely not at the mercy of the outside; it is always our choice. We can choose to react or to respond appropriately.