We all want peace. We all say that, and yet our actions show a different desire. Vengeance, retaliation, revenge—what a great dance. The dance of hate. I have more in common with my brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith who love than I do with my brothers and sisters of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist faiths who hate. …
When we see….
When we see ourselves as righteous, God takes a back seat to our individuality.
Dehumanize Humanize Superior/ Efficient/ Detached Naïve/ Codependent/ Sentimental
According to Indian philosophy the world is made up of the three gunas or constituent principles. They are different vibrations. These three principles are tamas, rajas and sattva. They combine in infinite permutations to form the manifested universe. When we put these three in complete balance and still them, we are said to have completed our sādhana. Combinations of the …
Depending on where we are….
Depending on where we are at any given moment, our definition of “surrender” will change and we will be approaching surrender to God, the world, and surrender itself in very different ways.
Hears ands Connects….
Hears and Connects Registers information without connecting/ Superficial Gooey/ Smothering/ Demanding Unintrusive/ Efficient
The Guru Models….
All my years with Baba taught me how to live. Baba was a great model for life. When I say this I do not mean that he showed me I should wear orange robes if it is not my dharma. I do not mean that he showed me that I should live in an ashram if it is not my …
If you do not have….
If you do not have the vibration, you no longer have the narrative.
Impulsive Restrained Spontaneous Unresponsive
The Guru’s Grace….
The five-fold action of God is as follows: Create, Sustain, Destroy, Conceal, Reveal. As human beings and therefore shrunken manifestations of God, we perform these five activities in a diminished form, believing we are powerful. We obviously create, sustain, destroy, and delude/conceal. Revelation or grace is harder for us, as individuals, to see or perform. Our “grace” is the grace …