You can’t scrub the small self clean. The only way to clean up the small self is by no longer identifying with it.
Obtuse Insightful Cautious Too fast
Victimhood: the Way of the World….
This is going to be the final blog in this series. I want to address something that is going to be uncomfortable for many readers: attachment to victimhood. This subject can be raw, and it can trip a wire that may bother people who have not faced that attachment in themselves. It is crucial to recognize that I am using …
Align yourself….
Align yourself not with the love that opposes itself to hate, but with the Love that transcends all separateness.
Always in trouble….
Always in trouble Innocent/Free of blame Accountable/Responsible Insignificant
Explaining Liberation….
Rohini reads from Jnaneshwar’s commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
How Hate Manifests….
Rohini illustrates how all hate arises from self-hate. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Drawing Out the Poison….
Hate is so mundane. Last week, I wrote that in order to hate we have to maintain the small self, and in order to maintain the small self we have to hate. Everyone has hate; everyone uses it and everyone is motivated by it. This hate is the first and most important distortion of Love. Everything we do comes from …
We do not need to….
We do not need to hate in order to discern evil. In fact, in order to have that discernment we must be free of hate.
Avoiding Facing Strategizing Antagonistic