Pious Unholy Cringing Vibrant
L&Q(3-7-15) Becoming Human….
Rohini explains the way to our true humanity. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
True Normal….
There is a difference between conventional and normal. Most people, when they hear the word “conventional”, tend to think in terms of other people and see particular situations, groups, cultures, or religions. The word “normal” tends to encompass a larger, vaguer area, and people tend to think of it as applying universally. Many times we conflate the two words, and …
Don’t have the small self….
Don’t have the small self “let go”. The small self has to be surprised. Your task is to let yourself be surprised.
Timid Bold Cautious Reckless
Guest Blog by Ian Ralby: The Choice To Practice….
At the conclusion of the course on “A Spiritual Survival Kit” (see here), I asked for the chance to guest blog in order to share some reflections. Having grown up with my mother as both my mom and my teacher, I have witnessed her teaching and her students’ development from a fairly unique vantage point. I vividly remember when she …
Why wouldn’t anyone want….
Why wouldn’t anyone want to crack open? We are languishing in hell if we don’t.
Accepting/taking in/imbibing/receiving….
Accepting/taking in/ imbibing/receiving Rejecting/ denying/dismissing Impressionable/spineless/dependent/gullible Independent/powerful/selfcontained
Shakti and Wisdom….
Everybody loves energy. It is everywhere, and manifests in countless ways. Without energy, there is no life. In my tradition, the term for energy is shakti; the shakti is God’s power of manifestation. Spiritual energy is latent, asleep, in each of us. And the term for that spiritual energy is kundalinī-shakti. In order to return home to who we really …
One of the most common and….
One of the most common and damaging mistakes a spiritual aspirant can make is to believe that the shakti will take care of everything.