under the see…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

                          so                              much                               more


                surface                           indicators

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Pleasure is who you really are (+)…

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Pleasure is who you really are (+)

You are not you when you have bad feelings

Discomfort is a mistake / who you are is expensive

Pleasure is an orientation / pleasure shows you how enlightened you are / discomfort is never your fault

sub specie…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

                                       shrunken              self

                                       sees                    walls

                                         as                          un


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shadow puppet…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

                            the                                  exalted

                                        self            who


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