Appropriate Rest….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Sometimes, when pursuing the Truth, the best thing we can do is: rest. This may sound strange when we are intensely determined to stay on track. Are we on track or are we driven? Though we say we know the goal, we may be just driven to be driven. We may have “forgotten” the goal of Home, Truth, God, the …

Magic is Illusion….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Magic is Illusion. The Goal is Magic. Therefore the Goal is Illusion. Unfortunately and unknowingly, many people seeking “the Path” are following the above logic. The promise of power, wealth and supersensuous abilities entice people to pursue what is called spiritual practice but is really just magic. In just two weekends, you will be a master of this or that; …

Leaving the Fall….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Maps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Every spiritual tradition values what is known in Sanskrit as sahaj samādhi, or walking bliss: being in the Heart and being with the world simultaneously. The problem is that we make this state of being into a lovely ideal or a distant place that we could never attain. In fact, walking bliss is available to each of us. The real …

We Have to Crack….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Whether we like it or not, in order to go to God we have to crack. What has to crack? We do. Who is we? Not who we are, but who we think we are. Why crack? Because the only way we are going to get to who we really are is to shatter our wrong understanding. The greatest delusion …

The Holidays….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

The Holidays. This time of year in the West we find a focus on one or two particular holidays, Christmas and New Year’s. However, throughout the world holidays are always arriving and subsiding. If we look at most major holidays, they have their roots in religion, in the focus on God. And yet the secular side of life has taken …

Today Walking Home with Baba: The Heart of Spiritual Practice comes out….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Photos, News & Events, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Today Walking Home with Baba: The Heart of Spiritual Practice comes out. This is a huge step for me. I have been practicing what Baba taught me all these 30 years since he left his body. When I first went to Baba I was not enamored of the trappings around him, but I was attracted to him, not really knowing …

The light that enlivens….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

  The light that enlivens the subtle creative process is the same light that enlivens the shrunken, ignorant, delusive small self.  We have to choose–and we can choose–what we enliven.  Will and discernment are so important. Love enlivens everything, but because it passes through different vehicles until it reaches full manifestation, by the time it manifests fully it is twisted …