Give Up Good….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

I’m a good person. I mean it. I’m a good person. That’s the problem. The Fall was the creation of the small self. The fruit that brings knowledge of good and evil signifies the ignorance from which we must liberate ourselves. The small self is not a good person. If you are a good person, then you are also a …

It’s Not about the Packaging….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

When I was growing up, gift-wrapping paper was not emphasized in my house. The present was what mattered; how it was packaged was of little import. Though presents were wrapped, the paper was quickly torn and thrown away. As I grew older, I learned to appreciate beautifully presented gifts. The packaging provided a certain excitement about what was to be …

What Do You Prize?….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Misery loves company. That saying is thrown around like a trite and empty truism. But if we actually look at this phrase, actually feel this phrase, the truth and the sadness of it becomes evident. Have you wondered why the phrase “Love loves company” does not have the same truth or reality? After so many years of peddling the removal …

What We Do Here….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Spiritual practice is not nice, sweet, or soft. Spiritual practice is not easy. Spiritual practice will turn your world upside down for the better. Spiritual practice requires rigor, vigilance and non-attachment. Spiritual practice requires humor. Spiritual practice demands surrender and redirection to what is Real. This steep path requires courage. There are three levels of spiritual practice. Each level is …

Being a Free Actor….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

When people come to my classes or see me privately, we usually use situations or people in their lives to show how to apply the practice in the world. Though this is truly an internal practice, it has to be used and applied to inform all of our life. So after a class people leave the laboratory and hopefully implement …

The Pursuit of Friction….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Friction is the force that resists an object’s movement across a surface. In practical terms, it slows down an object’s movement. Though it sounds like something we don’t want, without friction we don’t have traction; without friction we cannot move forward. And if we avoid friction in one place, we will unwittingly be moving into it somewhere else. If we …

Accept, Let Go and Redirect….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We have to accept what we bring to the table in our lives. We have to accept that we love the vibrations we perpetuate. We have to accept that we misdirect our attention. We have to accept that we remain addicted to the vibrations that make up our “love machine”, and hold on to them for dear life. Attention is …

The Love Machine Part One….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

It’s all about recreating our childhood vibration, which we call love. We call it love (or safety, comfort, normalcy, etc.) because it is how the small self gets attention, and therefore power. For the small self, power is the surrogate for love. Intellectually we hate the vibration and look for “solutions”, but emotionally we crave it and keep looking to …

Facing the Deeps….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Why does the New Age thrive in the United States? The willingness to put in hard work seems to be leaving American culture. In recent years we have come to value pleasure and positivity, accomplished with little to no effort. We “deserve”. Equality now means that everyone has the same level of input no matter what. Expertise has been relegated …

Talking, Doing, Being….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Idealists are idealized, and there is little people will say against them. We tend not to argue with them; most of the time they are right. Other names for idealists are visionaries, idea people, intellectuals, and talkers. Many of these people believe talking and sharing ideas are at a higher level than doing, and think their job is done when …