Surrendering to Baba….

RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

Why do we seek great spiritual beings? Why are great spiritual beings here? What do great spiritual beings offer? The answers to these questions come from my experience with a great spiritual being, Swami Muktananda. Within each of us is the longing to be whole again. We all move unconsciously towards whatever will bring us to ourselves. We must, though, …

Mirror, Mirror….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

When my two sons were born, I felt that one of the most important jobs I had was to be a mirror for them. As I looked into their eyes, I would also be looking into my Heart. There was a strong feeling of connecting with them, and this was not about me; this was about us in the greater …

The Three-dimensional Foursquare….

RohiniFourchotomy, Practicing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We have been working with the foursquare tool for many years now. It evolved from dichotomies to foursquares a decade ago. Now it is evolving further to aid in our uncovering and dismantling of our system. In order to build a foursquare, we must start by depersonalizing and objectifying the issue. This is done by using qualities we all can …

Knowing the Road….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

The reason I started down this path was that I had to. I knew that what I wanted to know was there, wherever “there” was. What did I want? Happiness and peace. Knowing the Truth, the bottom line of life, I knew would give me lasting peace and joy. Thus began my treasure hunt. From science back to my first …

Give Up Good….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

I’m a good person. I mean it. I’m a good person. That’s the problem. The Fall was the creation of the small self. The fruit that brings knowledge of good and evil signifies the ignorance from which we must liberate ourselves. The small self is not a good person. If you are a good person, then you are also a …

What Do You Prize?….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Misery loves company. That saying is thrown around like a trite and empty truism. But if we actually look at this phrase, actually feel this phrase, the truth and the sadness of it becomes evident. Have you wondered why the phrase “Love loves company” does not have the same truth or reality? After so many years of peddling the removal …

Reaching the Third Level….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

The third level of practice, which is called śāmbavopāya (path of Śiva) in the tradition of Kashmir Śaivism, uses the will. All traditions teach this practice, in which we rest in the Heart by a well directed will. Obviously, this is not easy; it requires discipline and complete surrender to God, Self, the Absolute. Yoga Sūtras III.17 says that through …

What We Do Here….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Spiritual practice is not nice, sweet, or soft. Spiritual practice is not easy. Spiritual practice will turn your world upside down for the better. Spiritual practice requires rigor, vigilance and non-attachment. Spiritual practice requires humor. Spiritual practice demands surrender and redirection to what is Real. This steep path requires courage. There are three levels of spiritual practice. Each level is …

The Pursuit of Friction….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Friction is the force that resists an object’s movement across a surface. In practical terms, it slows down an object’s movement. Though it sounds like something we don’t want, without friction we don’t have traction; without friction we cannot move forward. And if we avoid friction in one place, we will unwittingly be moving into it somewhere else. If we …

Facing the Deeps….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Why does the New Age thrive in the United States? The willingness to put in hard work seems to be leaving American culture. In recent years we have come to value pleasure and positivity, accomplished with little to no effort. We “deserve”. Equality now means that everyone has the same level of input no matter what. Expertise has been relegated …