First thoughts on Caux….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions

We came up the steep mountain on Sunday 8 July. Not sure what was ahead, I really did not care because the view was magnificent. Everything I imagined the Alps to look like–Ian had not deceived us. Our room has large French doors looking out over Lake Geneva, the towns below, the French and Swiss Alps, and a most classic valley. This place is a perfect example of geographic types.

The people here have come from many different countries, and they are all in earnest about human security.  Sometimes the organized program gets in the way of the dialogues among the participants, but many of the plenary sessions have been helpful in that they have triggered further conversation. We will leave with our own understandings, definitions and courses of action. The people from nations all over Africa have brought such talent and competence that their contributions to the dialogue have been magnificent.

Our community, a group of people who share a work shift in support of the conference and also meet for conversations, has been the best thing about the conference for me. We came together unwittingly, simply by choosing a particular work shift, and have been able to share intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Our conversations have ranged from the relatively superficial to the sublime, nurturing each of us.

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