The small self sees and believes….

RohiniPractice Points

The small self sees and believes that power and control are love, though it will rarely admit this. From this vantage point love then is never satisfying. There is never enough. And the truth is the small self never gets love; it only gets power and control. So we play act and are lost in the human condition. Only when …

Vague/Clear Confused/Rude….

RohiniPractice Points

Vague/Clear   Confused/Rude  We think we are being polite when we are vague, but the truth is we are actually confusing the situation and will end up being rude. Own, master, transcend all four qualities; then freedom to be appropriate and serve life appropriately.

Descartes was wrong….

RohiniPractice Points

Descartes was wrong when he said “I think therefore I am.” With that “truth” then our life would consist of the following: Who it is that thinks is who I am and what I think is how I am. No. The truth is I am therefore I enliven my mind to think.

Being numb is not….

RohiniPractice Points

Being numb is not being enlightened. Do you know anyone pursuing the path of numbness and calling it the path to enlightenment?