If you have been taught….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

If you have been taught how to learn, what you learn after that is not “self-taught”. If you are self-taught, don’t be so proud. It is nothing to be proud of or to advertise, because everyone will know you don’t know how to learn.

Be Not the Moon….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

We say the moon is so bright tonight. We should be saying the sun reflects beautifully off the moon tonight. The sun is the source of the moon’s light. Please tell the moon this, because it thinks it shines on its own. We as individuals think we shine on our own. And in our present predicament the individual has shrunk …

The Lovers and the Righteous….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

We all want peace. We all say that, and yet our actions show a different desire. Vengeance, retaliation, revenge—what a great dance. The dance of hate. I have more in common with my brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith who love than I do with my brothers and sisters of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist faiths who hate. …


RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

According to Indian philosophy the world is made up of the three gunas or constituent principles. They are different vibrations. These three principles are tamas, rajas and sattva. They combine in infinite permutations to form the manifested universe. When we put these three in complete balance and still them, we are said to have completed our sādhana. Combinations of the …